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Did Jennifer Aniston’s late mother Nancy Dow cut Jen out of her will?

Jennifer Aniston’s mother Nancy Dow passed away back in May. I actually covered it at the time because Nancy Dow was an actress at one point, and because Aniston and her mom had a very public falling out back in the 1990s. Aniston would occasionally reference her mother in interviews, giving updates about the state of their relationship. From what I remember of Aniston’s interviews over the years, she let Nancy back into her life circa 2005, but there were still significant rifts between mother and daughter. Still, Aniston apparently paid her mom’s bills, especially after Nancy’s health declined over the past five years especially. And after all of that… Nancy Dow didn’t leave her daughter anything in her will, apparently. Not only that, Nancy left her “private writings” about Jennifer to someone else, someone who will likely sell the material. In its latest issue on newsstands now, an insider tells In Touch magazine that Jennifer Aniston’s late mom Nancy Dow, bequeathed her home, all of her money and other personal items — including scores of personal writings about Jen — to another relative. Nancy, who died at 79, “changed her will about a year ago, and no one in the family knew a thing about it,” the insider tells In Touch exclusively. “Even though Jen and Nancy had a very strained relationship, Jen still paid almost all of Nancy’s bills in her final years,” says the insider. Jen famously stopped talking to Nancy in 1996 after she gave an interview about her daughter to the tabloid TV show Hard Copy. Three years later, the rift widened after Nancy wrote — against Jen’s wishes — about their painful falling-out in the tell-all From Mother and Daughter to Friends: A Memoir. Instead of paying Jen back after her death, “Nancy left the relative her condo and more than a million dollars that she’d saved. She was a penny-pincher, and the alimony she received from Jen’s dad, John [Aniston], was pretty much never touched.” Even worse, Nancy left all of her private writings to the relative. “Nancy wrote down everything about Jen, and that material is now in the hands of someone who could profit from it,” the insider tells In Touch. [From In Touch Weekly] If this is true – and I think it’s probably true – this should answer all of your questions about Jennifer and Nancy’s estrangement. Even in death, Nancy Dow was trying to stick it to her daughter. It’s so nasty, passive-aggressive and ridiculous, it’s almost funny in a very dark and f—ked up way. I mean, Aniston doesn’t need her mother’s money or her estate, but if Aniston was paying her mother’s bills (which I also think is true), then this is just one final screw-you from mother to daughter. How would you take it if your own mother treated you like that, up until the very end? Embed from Getty Images Photos courtesy of Getty, Fame/Flynet.

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David Duchovy on The X-Files: it’s romantic when a man & woman are equals

Ok folks I know #davidduchovny and #gilliananderson have a few fans out there so I'm going to do a little competion . Best caption for this picture gets a 11 by 14 limited edition print signed by me.. #xfiles ps photographed with @leicacamerausa A photo posted by Mark Mann (@markmannphoto) on Jun 11, 2016 at 5:45am PDT David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson have an long enjoyable joint interview over on Deadline. This is in the Awardsline section, so it must be part of the Emmy push for the X-Files reboot. Apparently the first round of voting closes June 27th, so please if we have any Emmy voters reading consider the new X-Files (and also Master of None and Bates Motel) on your ballots. Ever since I heard David Duchovny promoting his new book on Fresh Air I’ve had a renewed appreciation of just how smart and insightful he is. He has a masters in English literature from Yale and his undergraduate degree is from Princeton. I’ve always found Gillian Anderson a joy to listen to as well, so it’s a treat for me to have this interview to report. The problem is that they both say so many interesting things that I don’t know what to cut. Reading the interview is like having a great meal. If you’re an X-Files fan like me I would recommend that you read the interview at the source, but here are my favorite parts. The good news is that the show is such a hit and that they’ve both expressed an interest in returning, so we’ll probably get more X-Files at some point. Anderson says that no one is is talks yet, though. The second movie was a problem for them as they wanted to do three Duchovny: But after the second movie opened against The Dark Knight, and it was kind of a doomed enterprise in that way, I think we assumed it was dead. As television rearranged itself over the last 10 years, the idea of a season changed from 24 episodes, to 6, 8, 10, 12, or whatever. It became apparent that we could exist there, at least temporarily. Anderson: In my head, at least, was the fantasy of maybe doing three movies. I don’t know where that came from, but it was a shame the second was handled in the way it was. We knew we wanted to continue the conversation and try and trump that experience. They both say that a shorter series arc allowed the show to come back Duchovny:As television rearranged itself over the last 10 years, the idea of a season changed from 24 episodes, to 6, 8, 10, 12, or whatever. It became apparent that we could exist there, at least temporarily. Anderson: But the idea of doing a small pack, and realizing that our series works best when we have an opportunity to show all the elements of it, which you can’t fit into a single feature, suddenly it could be allowed to be all those things it is at its very best. On their gag on Kimmel about how technology has changed, and how that affects the show Duchovny: I honestly think the writers’ time is best spent not even concerning itself with the kind of questions about how the show exists now, because I feel like every 10 years or so people like to run around proclaiming that the world has changed and technology has changed us. And the fact is: we’re still humans. Our human nature is exactly the same as it was 500 years ago, let alone five years ago. And that’s really what the show concerns itself with; human nature, and possibility and the freedom to wonder and wander. On their chemistry on screen Duchovny: What exists in the writing, as well, is that these two people are true partners and they complete one another intellectually and emotionally. I do think that’s very romantic, when you have a man and a woman treating each other as equals. And not just as equals, but as necessary components of one another. Without the other, they fall as people, as entities, as investigators. It’s highly romantic and yet not sexual, though there’s a lot of tension. Anderson: They have a clear depth of caring about one another, and that’s what really gets people. They care about one another’s welfare, and so even if they’re at odds in their beliefs, their caring transcends that, through all nine seasons. On how they had chemistry when they first met Anderson: We didn’t know each other at all, but for some reason there was something in the room between the two of us that wasn’t there with others. To a degree, you can manufacture that as actors, and you have to most of the time, but for some reason there was something tangible and palpable that existed between us, right then. On if we’ll get more X-Files Anderson: I’m open to the conversation, though they haven’t come to us yet. I have no clue when they’re going to. I’m getting on with the rest of my life and I’m booking other jobs, so if it is indeed something that they would like to continue, then that conversation will need to be had. And I have no idea when that will be able to take place at this juncture. [From Deadline] I love how Anderson is very blunt and matter-of-fact about her busy schedule and the fact that she’s not waiting around for producers to come to her about doing more shows. She’s putting producers on notice, which she did before by revealing that she was initially offered half of what Duchovny was for the reboot. You know he’s the one who told her that, and that he has her back. Their rapport has always been palpable, which is so much of why the show works. I do think they had something more happening recently but so many of you have told me that’s wishful thinking on my part. As for Duchovny’s thoughts on how technology should be written into the show in the future, I disagree that it shouldn’t be a consideration. The tech-heavy episodes in the original series were some of my favorites and I absolutely loved The Lone Gunmen. photos credit: WENN and FameFlynet. Header image from Mark Mann for Awardsline

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Angelina Jolie almost played the lead role in the iconic ’90s movie ‘The Craft’

This ^^ is a photo of Angelina Jolie in 1996’s Foxfire, the story about five teenage misfits who gang together to take down the man who has harassed them. Foxfire was the film where Angelina met and fell in love with Jenny Shimizu, incidentally. It was also the film Angelina did instead of The Craft!! For ‘90s girls like me, The Craft is a pretty big deal. Personally speaking, Clueless was always a bigger deal for ME, but I did enjoy The Craft. The Craft is also a story of a gang of misfit girls banding together… but they banded together for witchcraft! The iconic ‘90s film starred Robin Tunney (in the lead role), Fairuza Balk, Neve Campbell and Rachel True. The film turns 20 years old this year, and to celebrate, HuffPo did interviews with original cast members, producers and the director, Andrew Fleming. Fleming said that Angelina was very close to being cast in the lead role, which went to Robin Tunney. That’s what’s shocking to me, that Jolie read for Sarah and not Nancy (played by Fairuza Balk). You may not be able to picture The Craft with a different group of teen witches, but that was almost the case when putting the coven together. During an interview with The Huffington Post to celebrate the cult classic’s 20th anniversary, casting director Pam Dixon and director Andrew Fleming revealed that the famous 1996 flick almost starred some now-huge A-listers, including Angelina Jolie, Alicia Silverstone and Scarlett Johansson. And they all went for the same part—Sarah, the lead role. “We did these tests and we tested a lot of girls, some of whom have become really well-known,” Dixon shared. “We actually had a hold on somebody that we had to let go because she got offered another film, and we didn’t know if the movie was really happening. That girl was Angelina Jolie. She did Foxfire instead.” Oh, whaaaaat? She continued, “Another person who came in was Scarlett Johansson, who was just 12 at the time. The other girl was Alicia Silverstone. This would have been ‘95. She had just shot Clueless, but it had not come out. Alicia also got something between the time that we read them and the time we were really going to make the movie, so we couldn’t pick her up either and she went to do something else. They were all really for Sarah.” The lead role obviously ended up going to Robin Tunney, who actually auditioned for a smaller part in the film. “Robin was originally cast in the part that Neve Campbell played, but we wanted her for the lead. We had to talk her into playing the lead, which was weird. But she did it. She wanted to play Bonnie, and we said, ‘No, we want you to be Sarah.’ It was like a reverse-Hollywood story where she wanted the smaller part.” [From E! News] I could see how Alicia Silverstone would be in contention for the middle-of-the-road Sarah role, and I could also see how Angelina would have been outright offered the lead or any role in the film. But Angelina would have been better as Nancy. Perhaps they already had Fairuza at the time and they just wanted Sarah to be darker, thus Angelina. Because remember how Angelina was back then? She WAS The Craft. She was dark and witchy and goth and amazing. What could have been! Embed from Getty Images Photos courtesy of WENN, ‘The Craft’ and ‘Foxfire.’

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Jessica Chastain in Elie Saab at the Spirit Awards: pretty or ill-fitting?

Jessica Chastain presented Best Male Lead at last night’s Spirit Awards (that went to Abraham Attah of Beasts of No Nation!) and she’s actually the “honorary chair of film independent.” I googled it because I do research like that, and I still don’t know what it means exactly. She’s been nominated twice before but hasn’t won, so maybe that’s why they wanted to recognize her. Chastain hasn’t won an Oscar yet either, and I feel like that she’ll get one in the next few years. I really hope so. You can see a complete list of winners here and YouTube has clips from the ceremony. Anyway Chastain wore this purple lace Elie Saab gown which highlights the issue she’s had on so many red carpets past – her boobs aren’t supported. You may think I’m joking, but I’m really not. It’s an otherwise very pretty dress and I like the color. Plus her styling is gorgeous. I want to do my hair like that now. Marisa Tomei was in this twee white and floral embroidered Stella McCartney gown. It’s the Spirit Awards and this could have been a great dress if it was tailored for her properly but it just hangs there like a sack. I do like the idea of the dress though. Juno Temple (Far from the Madding Crowd, Black Mass) was in Valentino which is SO overworked for the Spirit Awards. Tone it down a notch lady. Something nice: her hair is awesome and her makeup is super cute. I had hair like this in the 90s and I like that it’s making a comeback. Also, the birds on the bodice are cool. With a shorter, plainer skirt this might have worked. This did not need the blue lace on the skirt or down the sleeves. Nikki Reed was in an Etro gown which I can’t decide if I like. The front looks like a bib or apron. I really like the contemporary detailing around the bust but it looks weird paired with that kind of 70s baroque print. It’s like two different personalities crammed together in one dress. Her styling is gorgeous though. Lauren Cohan is giving me #abgoals in this Alice & Olivia white wrap crop top paired with high waisted blush colored Eloise pants. I’m just not feeling this look, it’s another case of two things which do not go together. She brightens it up with her expression though. Just try to imagine Rooney Mara in this. This makes me bummed that I have to wait to watch Walking Dead until after we’re done with Oscar coverage Monday. There are worse things than having to wait an extra day to watch a show you get to talk about for your job. photo credit: WENN and FameFlynet

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Brad Pitt’s ‘youthful’ new look is the result of diet, skin treatments & IV drips

Embed from Getty Images Brad Pitt has been looking oddly “youthful” for a few months now. I noticed it first at the premiere of The Big Short in November, but a lot of people commented on his “freshened” look at the Golden Globes. I think it’s probably a combination of factors, some of which are rather harmless. Like, Brad had facial hair on and off for years, but these days he’s rocking a clean-shaven look, so he automatically looks different. He’s also got a haircut (that looks like a ‘90s wiglet), which changes his appearance. But there is something else going on. Aggressive facial peels? Botox? A facelift? Life & Style says no – their sources claim Brad’s new look is the result of a new diet, skin care treatments and IV vitamin drips. Brad Pitt is turning back the clock! An insider close to Brad reveals in the new issue of Life & Style Weekly that for the past several months, Brad has been on an intense antiaging regimen that includes a new diet, expensive skin care treatments and even IV vitamin drips! “He’s been telling friends about his new antiaging plan,” an insider tells Life & Style. “He’s been doing it with the help of a nutritionist and a personal chef.” The insider reveals the details of his new diet to Life & Style, on newsstands now. It’s heavy on salmon, walnuts and chia seeds, which are high in omega-3 fatty acids to combat wrinkles, plus lean meats and eggs, which provide amino acids to help repair damaged skin cells, according to the insider. Other staples in Brad’s strict regimen are brown rice and beets, since they are high in phytoceramides, which many people take as supplements to keep skin hydrated and plump. “What you put in your mouth shows on your skin,” says Beverly Hills dermatologist Dr. Ava Shamban, who does not treat the father of five. “His diet will help Brad’s skin repair itself.” The insider tells Life & Style that he’s also been supplementing the diet with “collagen smoothies and antiaging IV vitamin drips,” as well as going to get regular facials. “Brad’s working hard to keep his youthful looks,” the insider says. “The transformation has been nothing short of amazing.” [From Life & Style] Here’s the thing: I believe Brad Pitt is vain, but do I believe he’s THIS vain? I don’t. I think he would go in for some facial peels and some Botox. I don’t believe he would completely change his diet and get IV drips full of anti-aging vitamins. I just don’t believe he cares THAT much. But he does care, and we can see it all over his (new) face. Photos courtesy of Getty, WENN.