ariel winter

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Ariel Winter in the World’s Tiniest Denim Shorts

Ariel Winter has a passion for the shortest of shorts and butt selfies– and this week, the Modern Family star did a photo-shoot by the beach wearing the world’s tiniest pair. The actress has been receiving a lot of hate on social media lately, to which she replied: ‘It’s definitely hard being self-conscious and having the world be able to tell you how they feel about you. Before Twitter and Instagram, if you felt a certain way about a person you didn’t know, you couldn’t tell them. My sister helped me understand that people will say those things regardless of how you look. I tell myself every day, “I look fabulous.”‘ On the fact that she posts a lots of ‘belfies’ – aka butt selfies online: Everybody is so hyped up on the fact that I post photos where my butt’s out. It’s a butt. Everyone has a butt. I don’t think it’s crazy. I don’t really think I’m telling myself, ‘You should post this, you shouldn’t post that,’ I feel like I’m just having fun. I like my fans to see what I’m doing. It’s like, Let me live! I’m enjoying my life, you’re enjoying your life. You should be posting your butt  selfies if you like it, too! See more from Ariel’s photo-shoot next! (…)Read the rest of Ariel Winter in the World’s Tiniest Denim Shorts (0 words) © Versus for Skinny VS Curvy, 2016. | Permalink | 34 comments | Add to Post tags: beach, butt selfies, photo-shoot, swisuit The post Ariel Winter in the World’s Tiniest Denim Shorts appeared first on Skinny VS Curvy.

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Ariel Winter: “I developed these boobs and butt & I started getting all this hate”

Ariel Winter recently opened up about her journey in front of the critical eyes of her haters, who, since she developed ‘boobs and butt’, started to attack her constantly: Ariel Winter started out in Hollywood at just 11 years old. Naturally, as she got older, her body matured — and that, unfortunately, is where the Internet got ugly. “I was called every name in the book: fat, a slut, trashy, ugly,” she tells Stylish. But she’s not tolerating that talk anymore. She’s fighting back — and educating young girls in the process. “Right after I started developing, I automatically started getting all this hate. I developed these boobs and butt, and everything changed,” the Modern Family actress, 18, tells Stylish. “And as I got older, it only seemed to get worse.” That’s why she decided to partner with Dove on its 12-year-old confidence campaign, the Self Esteem Project, which aims to inspire girls through research, education and understanding of their bodies. “What I think is really amazing about it is that we’re empowering young women to love themselves, to be comfortable with themselves,” she says. “And it’s not just about [liking] what they look like, but loving who they are.” The Sofia the First star notes that 62 percent of young girls don’t know how to use the Internet to get the information that could help them understand that when it comes to bodies, each one is unique, and there’s no such thing as “right” or “wrong.” “We’re teaching them … so we can change the scape, so they don’t have to grow up the way I did,” Winter explains. “I read a lot of the stories young women will send me about their body positivity and their body journeys, and that really helps me,” she says. “There are a lot of young women who are going through the same thing that I went through, and I think it’s important that we all empower each other. It makes it easier.” More pictures of Ariel next! (…)Read the rest of Ariel Winter: “I developed these boobs and butt & I started getting all this hate” (1 words) © Versus for Skinny VS Curvy, 2016. | Permalink | 7 comments | Add to Post tags: body image, boobs and butt, criticism, haters The post Ariel Winter: “I developed these boobs and butt & I started getting all this hate” appeared first on Skinny VS Curvy.

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Ariel Winter on Her Sexy Image: “It’s called being a woman in the industry”

The full story from Rogue Magazine: “Ariel Winter is best known for her role as Alex Dunphy in the hit comedy series Modern Family, has grown up before our eyes, officially ringing in adulthood while celebrating her 18th birthday this past January. At this stage, you get sort of jaded after a certain period I feel like I’ve been in the industry for so long that I have gotten to that point where people’s comments and the exposure doesn’t bother me as much,” she admits. “I mean it still bothers people when you get negative feedback for something, but it doesn’t hit me as hard as it would somebody just entering the industry.” Multiple articles abound questioning her choice of photos on Instagram and berating her for flaunting her sexuality at such a tender age. “It’s called being a woman in the industry,” she says. “It’s complete sexism.” Winter says that plenty of men in the “industry” would never receive the same criticism if they posted similar photos. Instead, she says, they would probably receive laughs or applause with the press lauding their exploits as what the public expects from them. “It’s really degrading, annoying and sad that this is what the media puts out,” she says. “It’s disgusting to me.” See more! (…)Read the rest of Ariel Winter on Her Sexy Image: “It’s called being a woman in the industry” (1 words) © Versus for Skinny VS Curvy, 2016. | Permalink | 3 comments | Add to Post tags:

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Ariel Winter’s Tank & Leggings Look

Modern Family’s Ariel Winter was spotted by the cameras as she stopped by a nail salon in West Hollywood,  while wearing a grey tank top and leggings. See more! (…)Read the rest of Ariel Winter’s Tank & Leggings Look (1 words) © Versus for Skinny VS Curvy, 2016. | Permalink | No comment | Add to Post tags: