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Jemima Kirke Cut Her Hair and Undressed for StyleLikeU

The full story from Daily Mail: The 31-year-old Girls star was filming the StyleLikeU’s video series, The What’s Underneath Project, when she discussed her seven-year marriage, admitting that she and ex husband Michael ‘couldn’t be more different’. As part of the series, participants are asked to strip down to show that style is really about being comfortable in your own skin, and during the candid interview Jemima revealed the she real reason she cut her trademark long blond hair was because of troubles with Michael. ‘I cut my hair because I felt like my hair was really one of the only things that made me feel pretty,’ she explained. ‘I felt like my hair was my go-to trick. I really believed for a while that without it I would be boring. ‘I was having a terrible moment with my husband in our relationship and I was extremely hurt by him and extremely angry at him and so I was feeling self-destructive.’ Instead of doing something truly self-destructive, Jemima said she ended up just cutting her hair, and it was actually Michael who gave her an even shorter ‘do a couple weeks after their fight. ‘I said I wanted to go shorter and he said “I’ll do it” and he cut it. It was really nice,’ she added. ‘It was kind of romantic. It’s nice to have someone you love cut your hair.’ Jemima pre-haircut: (…)Read the rest of Jemima Kirke Cut Her Hair and Undressed for StyleLikeU (1 words) © Versus for Skinny VS Curvy, 2017. | Permalink | 14 comments | Add to Post tags: beauty image, hair, haircut The post Jemima Kirke Cut Her Hair and Undressed for StyleLikeU appeared first on Skinny VS Curvy.

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Elsa Hosk’s Latest Skinny Model Snaps

Skinny model snaps: She may not have been the skinniest model to walk the runway during the 2016 VS show last month, but Victoria’s Secret beauty Elsa Hosk recently shared a few snaps on her Instagram page that showed off a very thin figure. The model took a few photos while on a job in Miami, where she modeled lingerie, then shared a bikini snap while tanning. See one more of Elsa’s skinny model snaps inside! (…)Read the rest of Elsa Hosk’s Latest Skinny Model Snaps (0 words) © Versus for Skinny VS Curvy, 2017. | Permalink | No comment | Add to Post tags: bikini, lingerie, skinny, skinny model snaps, thin The post Elsa Hosk’s Latest Skinny Model Snaps appeared first on Skinny VS Curvy.

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Tracee Ellis Ross: “I am small for people and big for an actress”

44 year-old Tracee Ellis Ross, who stars in Black-ish, recently opened up to People Magazine about weight fluctuations, style and not being Hollywood thin. The full story from People: “I’ve always been connected to the narrative of clothing,” she says. “My mom taught me that you can spend money on nice things if you’re going to use them. For example, I have an Alexander McQueen jacket that I wear with everything, even sweatpants.” One of the things she has also learned over the years is stop obsessing over her size despite not being Hollywood thin. “You know, I am not a sample size,” she says. “I am not a model size. I am small for people and big for an actress. My weight fluctuates a lot and I move with it. It is what it is. That’s why I try not to have a relationship with the size that I am.” And she deals with the change in her own unique way. “I actually own my favorite jeans in three sizes—28, 29 and 30,” she explains. “Depending on how I feel, I always start with the big ones and if I get to go down, great,” she says. “It’s the same thing with dresses and clothing. I want to wear something that makes me feel gorgeous, not that makes me feel self-conscious about my body. Hiding insecurities or putting attention on the stuff that feels good is really the key…” Ultimately, though, when it comes to picking out her looks, she says “there’s no real method to my madness.” All she does, she says, is “ask what is the best thing out of my closet or the best thing on the rack that makes me feel good and fits.” More photos of Tracee’s recent looks inside! (…)Read the rest of Tracee Ellis Ross: “I am small for people and big for an actress” (0 words) © Versus for Skinny VS Curvy, 2016. | Permalink | 7 comments | Add to Post tags: body image, Hollywood thin, size, Tracee Ellis Ross, weight The post Tracee Ellis Ross: “I am small for people and big for an actress” appeared first on Skinny VS Curvy.

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Ashley Graham: “I hit the beauty jackpot, I get it”

On her big break and becoming a super famous model: For 10 years I’d been told I was always going to be a catalog girl, never a cover girl. Well, I got with IMG and did five covers in a year, boom, boom, boom. See, if you have a pretty face doors will open, but your job isn’t just to walk through them, it’s to get invited back. On the fact that she is genetically blessed, but that’s not enough: Look, I hit the beauty jackpot, I get it, but that’s not enough, you’ve got to have more to have longevity in this business. It’s always been, “OK, so what can I do now?” … says Ashley. See the model’s recent video she shot for Vogue Magazine here! More of Ashley and her cover girl shot next! (…)Read the rest of Ashley Graham: “I hit the beauty jackpot, I get it” (1 words) © Versus for Skinny VS Curvy, 2016. | Permalink | No comment | Add to Post tags: cover girl, legs, model, plus-size, velvet dress The post Ashley Graham: “I hit the beauty jackpot, I get it” appeared first on Skinny VS Curvy.

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29 Year-Old Kristin Cavallari: ‘All my friends are starting to get Botox’

On whether she’ll get Botox soon: “All my friends are starting to get Botox and I’m kind of like, Ahhh. I want to do everything I can to not get it.” “I’m so boring when it comes to this stuff – I have my go-to.I always just use the same stuff. The ones that I love are Armani foundation, and Armani lashes to kill.” … says 29 year-old Kristin in People Magazine this month. See more of her inside! (…)Read the rest of 29 Year-Old Kristin Cavallari: ‘All my friends are starting to get Botox’ (1 words) © Versus for Skinny VS Curvy, 2016. | Permalink | 6 comments | Add to Post tags: beauty, beauty image, botox, quote The post 29 Year-Old Kristin Cavallari: ‘All my friends are starting to get Botox’ appeared first on Skinny VS Curvy.

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Izabel Goulart’s Model Workout Routine

31 year-old Victoria’s Secret beauty Izabel Goulart is known for her ultra toned physique and low body fat percentage that she flaunts on the catwalks while wearing nothing but sexy lingerie – and recently, the gorgeous Alessandra Ambrosio-lookalike beauty detailed her model workout routine: On her favorite types of exercises: Often, I’ll do a quick workout in my hotel room consisting of exercises for the legs, glutes, abs, and arms with my own body weight. On her model workout routine while traveling: I always have a jump rope, a medicine ball I can inflate, and a band in my suitcase. It’s a great kit to have for travel. On the craziest place where she’s ever workout out: I was flying with my brother and he challenged me to work out on the airplane. He thought it was funny—and I did it! … says Izabel. Check out one of our most commented posts ever featuring this stunner! See more of stunning Izabel on the next page! (…)Read the rest of Izabel Goulart’s Model Workout Routine (0 words) © Versus for Skinny VS Curvy, 2016. | Permalink | 11 comments | Add to Post tags: Izabel Goulart, low body fat, model, model workout routine, skinny, toned, workout, workout routine The post Izabel Goulart’s Model Workout Routine appeared first on Skinny VS Curvy.

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Alicia Keys Explains Why She Is Against Makeup

On why she decided to take an against makeup stance: “I think that it’s definitely tricky being a woman. You go to work, and it’s like, if you don’t put on makeup that day people say, ‘Oh, you look so tired!’” On how being against makeup is not controversial for celebrities alone, but for everyone: “It’s not only the entertainment industry, it’s not only the film industry, it’s not only the fashion industry, it’s not only every job that anyone works at or every magazine that everyone has read, it’s a collective consciousness.” On the fact that all women are beautiful: “There’s nothing you could do to take away this unbelievably innate beauty that lives inside of you as a woman because we are the most spectacular creatures that were ever created. The most incredible thing is that all women are beautiful.” See more of Alicia next! (…)Read the rest of Alicia Keys Explains Why She Is Against Makeup (0 words) © Versus for Skinny VS Curvy, 2016. | Permalink | One comment | Add to Post tags: against makeup, beauty image, magazine, no makeup The post Alicia Keys Explains Why She Is Against Makeup appeared first on Skinny VS Curvy.