Here are some photos of Chelsea Clinton leaving a New York hospital following the birth of her second child, baby boy Aidan Clinton Mezvinsky. Chelsea gave birth on Saturday, and I guess she stayed at the hospital two nights and left the hospital on Monday. Chelsea, her husband Marc and her parents, Bill and Hillary Clinton, all left together. I guess Marc’s parents don’t get to be included in the photo-op! As many have already noted, there’s sort of a royal flavor to this photo-op, like Chelsea is pulling a Duchess Kate. In Chelsea’s defense, I think it’s more like the photographers were already waiting for her to leave the hospital and she just made the most of it, probably with Hillary’s help. It’s a nice photo-op, is what I’m saying. Incidentally, people are loving Chelsea’s baby-name choices because they make her seem like a die-hard Sex and the City fan. Charlotte was one of the main characters and Aidan was Carrie’s fiancé. If Chelsea has another baby, the name will probably be Sam! Because you can’t name a baby “Mr. Big.” Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton’s stay in New York has been incredibly productive, and by that I mean she raised a ton of money last night at a star-studded fundraiser thrown by Harvey Weinstein. Hillary is raising money hand over fist, and she currently has more than $42 million in her campaign war chest, and that’s just for her campaign. If you include her superpac, she has more than $100 million on-hand. Donald Trump, meanwhile, is the human embodiment of a sad clown noise. He keeps lending his campaign money, his campaign leadership is in shambles, and he only had $1.3 million on hand at the end of May. Which has led to #TrumpSoPoor trending on Twitter. It’s glorious. Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.