As I was looking through our recent photos of Jenny McCarthy, I had a sudden realization: with all of her plastic surgery, botox and fillers, she’s morphing into some weird Charlize Theron clone. It’s really odd. I bring up Jenny’s “work” because it came up completely organically in the middle of Jenny’s SiriusXM radio show. Jenny’s guest on Friday was Tara Reid, of Sharknado and Taradise “fame.” Personally, I think Jenny and Tara are pretty evenly matched as far as likeability and relevance, so I’m not choosing sides on this one. What happened during the interview was a thing of f—king beauty though. I think Jenny really was trying to be nice… at first. Then Jenny realized the whole thing was going sideways, and decided to be a bitch. And Tara Reid got some really good jabs in too. People Mag did the transcript, but I’m including the audio at the end of the post. As I listened to it… yes, I do think Jenny was trying to be a real interviewer and Tara was bitchy first. But the whole exchange… my God. Here you go: The interview began with McCarthy, 43, complementing Reid on her latest reality show appearance in Marriage Boot Camp: Reality Stars. “I f—ing love you on that show, but are you glad you did it?” the host asked. “It’s not worth the time to talk about,” Reid replied. “There’s confusing things about it. We are not talking about it.” McCarthy then made a remark about how she just loved the show “so much,” to which Reid continued to say, “Babe, I asked you, please let’s not talk about this show. We’re all here about Sharknado.” The host then shifted to the film and asked Reid if she had to get into peak physical shape for it. “It’s not like you really need to get into shape,” she replied. “It’s Sharknado. They’re fake sharks.” McCarthy then brought up the topic of Reid’s past surgeries and asked if she was still going under the knife. “No, I haven’t had any surgery for awhile, Jenny,” she replied before going silent on the microphone and talking to someone out of earshot. “You look great now. So, you’re good and done, not moving forward with plastic surgery?” McCarthy continued to ask. “I think I’ve made that clear about 100 times,” Reid snapped back. “Maybe you only read the bad things, but I’ve made that really clear for so many years. Read what you want to read… It was really nice talking to you and really good luck with your show.” “Good luck to you, too, and I’m so excited about Sharknado and I hope you stay married,” McCarthy calmly quipped back. “I hope your knees get a little wobblier than they already are.” “I hope you stay married too. I’m sure he’s a nice guy,” Reid responded. “I hope your tits get even nicer, because they’re amazing. The same guy who did mine, right? I’ll always use your advice. You’re the best. Bye.” “Love you, Tara. Good luck with Sharknado 18,” McCarthy replied. [From people] Tara Reid cops quite an attitude for someone currently promoting Sharknado 4: The 4th Awakens (that’s seriously the name of it) and Marriage Boot Camp: Reality Stars. And Jenny cops quite an attitude about Tara’s plastic surgery considering Jenny is trying to remake herself into Anti-Vaxx Barbie. No one is the winner here, but it’s always fun when two terrible people get into a bitchy war of words. Bless them. Photos courtesy of WENN.