Matt Lauer’s got a new honey

Matt Lauer fled the public spotlight in 2017 after his way public firing from NBC for basically being a whore and harassing women wherever he went.   It was about then that his wife, who almost left him years ago when he was caught cheating, finally said she was full and left his ass.

Since then he’s kept a ridiculously low profile for someone who just about any and every news outlet was looking for… until now.

Matt has an estate in New Zealand and he was seen this past week hanging with a woman who people thought resembled his wife. Whatevs. thin and brunette. It’s hardly a type.  Anyway, turns out she’s marketing guru Shamin Abas.

Shamin on the left, ex wife Annette Roque on the right.

But yea, so the two were seen when they landed in NZ and then later on a bike ride around the area.  One of those all knowing sources told Page Six: “Matt and Shamin have known each other for many years, as she spends a lot of time in the Hamptons, as does he.  They very recently began dating, she is a lovely woman.”

Anyway. Shout out to NZ paps for keeping us informed.

The post Matt Lauer’s got a new honey appeared first on Today's Evil Beet Gossip.

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