We had some technical difficulties this morning

  1. Alarmjaguar says:

    Thank you and good luck! It felt very Monday to keep refreshing, but have the pages not load :(

  2. Dee says:

    Looks like your loyal employees were having a “ruff” time of it. I’m pawsitive they’ll get it sorted soon.

    • Bookie says:


  3. Becks1 says:

    Have we always been able to click back and forth between posts from within a post? I just noticed the “previous post” and “next post” buttons and I’m going to feel really ridiculous if those have been around forever lol.

  4. SuSuSusio says:

    I am a Mac person and I read most of today’s articles when first posted.

    FWIW, I have not seen anything different in your format. I also have not cleared my cache yet – which could be the reason.

    I wish you nothing but success on your updates. You remain my daily “must read” site. I appreciate your reporting and possibly the most intelligent commentary on any news or gossip site.

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