Kelly Osbourne Joins The Messed Up Ankle Club

Like a couple of her Hollywood peers – myself and Demi Lovato, that is – Kelly Osbourne has joined the jacked up ankle club after tripping over a drain in a public restroom or something. I dunno, but here’s what she said about it on Twitter:

I just got my cast off on Tuesday (I had a bimalleor fracture and surgery to insert a plate and 8 screws) and am slowly learning to walk again, which is by far the most painful part of the whole affair, so I feel Kelly’s… pain. Literally. Pipe down, it’s a Friday and I’m low on material.

In any case, it’s good to have a partner in times of need like this, as Kelly herself found out when she realised that lying in bed for weeks on end is pretty much all you can do when you can’t walk.

Word to the wise: you’re not supposed to put anything inside a cast to scratch your leg as the skin is sensitive and you could cause lesions. The itching will kill you, but not if gangreen does first, kids.
