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Kourtney Kardashian: “I like to live a bit dangerously. I had a Krispy Kreme doughnut last night”

On her healthy living versus dangerous habits: Just being comfortable in your skin is a blessing. I feel that people think it’s OK to skinny-shame, but it’s just as bad as calling people fat. I love going to the gym because it makes me feel great. I work out a lot with Khloé just running or hiking. Eating well is part of the same lifestyle, but now and then I like to live a bit dangerously. I had a Krispy Kreme doughnut last night and it was delicious. … says Kourtney. © Versus for Skinny VS Curvy, 2016. | Permalink | 10 comments | Add to Post tags: The post Kourtney Kardashian: “I like to live a bit dangerously. I had a Krispy Kreme doughnut last night” appeared first on Skinny VS Curvy.

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Gisele Bundchen’s Approach to Halloween Candy

Supermodel queen Gisele Bundchen is known for opting for a very restrictive diet, one that is mostly raw and void of sugar. The mom of two implements almost the same diet when it comes to her kids, which is why she is very much against Halloween candy. More details on this story from People Magazine: Forget eating her kids’ Halloween candy, Gisele Bündchen not only didn’t steal any of her children’s haul, but she gave it all away! The supermodel mom made an appearance at the grand opening of the Under Armour Boston Brand House in the Prudential Center on Wednesday evening, and explained that son Benjamin and daughter Vivian (who dressed as Mario and a pony, respectively) were so uninterested in their Halloween haul, they let their mom give it away. “We don’t really have that a kind of sugar in our house,” Bündchen told PEOPLE. “I let them try one (piece), but they really only had one bite and then they didn’t want it anymore. So I told them if they didn’t like it I was going to give it away to other kids and they actually let me give their candy away,” she added of her and Tom Brady‘s kids. But don’t feel bad for Bündchen’s kids; they still get to eat dessert every day. “It’s a little different kind of sweets, so they’re not used to it,” said Bündchen. “I said to them, ‘You know, there are so many kids that don’t get candy and you guys got so many, some kids don’t even get one! And they’re like, ‘Oh mom, okay you can give it to them if they don’t get any.’” What do you think of Gisele’s very restrictive diet approach? Moderation is better or perfectly reasonable? © Versus for Skinny VS Curvy, 2016. | Permalink | 3 comments | Add to Post tags: diet, restrictive diet, sugar, supermodel The post Gisele Bundchen’s Approach to Halloween Candy appeared first on Skinny VS Curvy.

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Chloe Lattanzi Talks about Her Anorexia and Body Dysmorphia

A while ago, we ran a story about 30 year-old singer Chloe Lattanzi and her issues with being called ‘stupid’ because of her looks – particularly her big boobs. This week, Chloe is back and she’s here to talk about her past struggles with anorexia and body dysmorphia. On her anorexia and body dysmorphia: After my parents divorce I went through this chubby phase. I would eat to comfort myself. I would see comments in magazines about how I was chubby. Around 16 I started to restrict food… along with the anorexia came OCD and depression. I didn’t have a clear sense of myself so I had my lips pumped up… I looked ridiculous. I got into using drugs and alcohol. I would read in the tabloids I was this alcoholic crazy disappointment. That really hit hard. I was at my lowest. Funnily enough I met the love of my life at the darkest time of my life. I still have my battles today. When I read these things that they say – having big breasts, not being thin enough, it’s like you can’t win no matter what you do. On the fact that she’s never had plastic surgery: There was rumors that I’ve had like work done, like plastic surgery on my face. Like I really haven’t. When I was in the height of my body dysmorphia I had a whole bunch of fillers. I’ve had all that removed from my face because I like the way I look naturally. On the constant struggle with her insecurities: I look back at myself as a teenager and I’m like ‘what a beautiful young woman, what was I thinking, why was I so secure?’ So many young girls are going through body dysmorphia. We’re constantly told how we’re supposed to look via Instagram and filters and there’s constant pressure for us to look person. … says Chloe. @robertlynden best shoot ever! I love you! Can't wait for our next round of fun ????????? A photo posted by Chloe Lattanzi (@chloelattanzi) on Oct 28, 2016 at 3:09pm PDT Check out the video below for more! (…)Read the rest of Chloe Lattanzi Talks about Her Anorexia and Body Dysmorphia (0 words) © Versus for Skinny VS Curvy, 2016. | Permalink | No comment | Add to Post tags: anorexia, body dysmorphia, body image, Chloe Lattanzi, eating disorder The post Chloe Lattanzi Talks about Her Anorexia and Body Dysmorphia appeared first on Skinny VS Curvy.

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Male Mondays: David Gandy

Male Mondays – thanks to the user who suggested the name! At high request, male supermodel David Gandy! Age: 36 Nationality: British Height: 192 cm / 6’3” David on his male supermodel diet: “The right amount of water, the right foods – not crappy, fatty processed foods. It’s everything in moderation, you can eat too much fish or too much meat. I actually had mercury poisoning from tuna because it topped off the levels in my body and made me quite ill. People say to me, ‘my God, you must not eat something’, and then, ‘good God, you’re eating cake’. I probably eat more than most people think I might, but I’m actually a foodie and I eat a lot. I just stay away from processed foods – white pastas, white carbohydrates, high sugar content, saturated fat – but I can still eat so much because of that. People [unnecessarily] go to the extremities of something.” Please leave your requests for who you would like to see in our Male Mondays posts here, in the comment section! More of our male supermodel David next! (…)Read the rest of Male Mondays: David Gandy (0 words) © Versus for Skinny VS Curvy, 2016. | Permalink | No comment | Add to Post tags: catwalk, David Gandy, diet, fit, guys, male supermodel The post Male Mondays: David Gandy appeared first on Skinny VS Curvy.

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Gigi Hadid’s Pouty Lips Do Vogue Japan

Gigi Hadid continues to be everywhere these days, as per usual in the past2 years – and where exactly is she this week? On the cover of Vogue Japan, together with her very pouty lips. ‘One of my favorite cover stories!’ … said Gigi of this feature while sharing tons of snaps from it on Instagram. The half Dutch, half Palestinian-American stunner sports cool urban fall-ready outfits that occasionally forgo the pants… or the top, or the bra. And in order to look like a model, Gigi has a simple philosophy: You find how you feel your best. Whether you feel better when you’re eating gluten-free or whatever it is. I feel better when I eat a burger every other night. Eat clean, and work out to stay fit – and have a burger to stay sane. Throwback to Gigi wearing hot pink pants HERE! Browse through our gallery featuring Gigi and her very pouty lips and share your thoughts! イットモデルのジジ・ハディッドがモデルを務めた12月号のファッションストーリー「目が離せない、その存在感」。官能的なブラックレースとミリタリーをキーに、強くしなやかなフェミ二ニティを表現。そのスペシャルムービーをお届け? Don't miss the special movie of the fashion story ”PRINCESS GIGI” from our December issue. Modeled by @gigihadid Movie by @luigiandiango Styled by @anna_dello_russo Hair Styled by @luigimurenu Makeup by @georgisandev Manicure by #elenastepaniouk Casting by @pg_dmcasting #gigihadid #voguejapan #decemberissue A video posted by VOGUE JAPAN (@voguejapan) on Oct 20, 2016 at 6:39pm PDT © Versus for Skinny VS Curvy, 2016. | Permalink | 4 comments | Add to Post tags: fall outfits, magazine, model, pouty lips, supermodel, vogue The post Gigi Hadid’s Pouty Lips Do Vogue Japan appeared first on Skinny VS Curvy.

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Miss Grand International Founder Told Beauty Queen Arna Ýr Jónsdóttir to ‘Stop Eating’

Trending body image story: Stunner Arna Ýr Jónsdóttir, a 20-year-old former gymnast from Iceland, was literally told by Miss Grand International founder Nawat Itsaragrisil that she was too fat for pageants and that she should stop eating. Arna refused the unhealthy request and she stated that she thinks she is “fine as I am”. More details from The Sun: Arna Ýr reportedly received a jaw-dropping message from Nawat ahead of the competition’s grand finale, which takes place in Las Vegas on Tuesday. It read: “Stop eating breakfast, eat just salad for lunch and drink water every evening until the contest. “[Itsaragrisil] is telling you this because he likes you and wants you to do well in this contest.” A stunned Arna Ýr told The Iceland Monitor: “If the owner of the contest really wants me to lose weight and doesn’t like me the way I am, then he doesn’t deserve to have me in the Top 10. Yes, my shoulders are a bit broader than the other girls’ but that is because I was a member of the Icelandic national athletics team and I am proud of that. Of course, I don’t take these comments to heart, but to do my best then hear this… Personally, I think I’m fine as I am.” The Miss Grand International contest is one of the world’s five major international beauty pageants. Can't wait to do MUCH better in the bikini premilary round 24th october. Last time I was literally melting in the heat but now, I'm more than ready ????✨ #missgrandinternational2016 #missgrandiceland2016 #missgrandiceland #mgi2016 A photo posted by Arna Ýr Jónsdóttir (@arnayr) on Oct 17, 2016 at 12:12pm PDT See more of ‘too fat for pageants’ Arna next! (…)Read the rest of Miss Grand International Founder Told Beauty Queen Arna Ýr Jónsdóttir to ‘Stop Eating’ (3 words) © Versus for Skinny VS Curvy, 2016. | Permalink | 10 comments | Add to Post tags: beauty queen, bikini, too fat The post Miss Grand International Founder Told Beauty Queen Arna Ýr Jónsdóttir to ‘Stop Eating’ appeared first on Skinny VS Curvy.

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Priyanka Chopra’s Ideal Body: “Curvaceous but not super-skinny but at the same time I want to be lean”

On her eating habits: “All of us are super busy. Life is just really fast-paced and you don’t have to kill yourself in the gym. You don’t have to starve yourself. I love having my pizzas and burgers and buffalo wings, on the side, for sure. But I like staying fit as well.” On how she stays healthy: “I have to stay super active and agile because I do my own stunts. I do all my fights myself. I trust my body and my instincts. People always say you should listen to your body. But I don’t listen to my body. My body listens to me. I can’t afford to be sick or low on energy. It’s mind over matter: I’m going to have a good day, and not in that fake ‘Happy girls are the best girls!’ way. Identify the weaknesses, shut them in a box, find your strengths, and run with them.” On her ideal body: “Curvaceous but not super-skinny but at the same time I want to be lean. So I try and eat healthy whenever I can.” On her big break in Hollywood: “It’s been a huge struggle for me to be able to come into mainstream entertainment in America and actually break the mold of what a Bollywood actress should be. Success is always about what’s next. I don’t settle and I don’t stop.” … says Priyanka in Women’s Health Magazine. See more! (…)Read the rest of Priyanka Chopra’s Ideal Body: “Curvaceous but not super-skinny but at the same time I want to be lean” (1 words) © Versus for Skinny VS Curvy, 2016. | Permalink | No comment | Add to Post tags: