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Gigi Hadid’s Pouty Lips Do Vogue Japan

Gigi Hadid continues to be everywhere these days, as per usual in the past2 years – and where exactly is she this week? On the cover of Vogue Japan, together with her very pouty lips. ‘One of my favorite cover stories!’ … said Gigi of this feature while sharing tons of snaps from it on Instagram. The half Dutch, half Palestinian-American stunner sports cool urban fall-ready outfits that occasionally forgo the pants… or the top, or the bra. And in order to look like a model, Gigi has a simple philosophy: You find how you feel your best. Whether you feel better when you’re eating gluten-free or whatever it is. I feel better when I eat a burger every other night. Eat clean, and work out to stay fit – and have a burger to stay sane. Throwback to Gigi wearing hot pink pants HERE! Browse through our gallery featuring Gigi and her very pouty lips and share your thoughts! イットモデルのジジ・ハディッドがモデルを務めた12月号のファッションストーリー「目が離せない、その存在感」。官能的なブラックレースとミリタリーをキーに、強くしなやかなフェミ二ニティを表現。そのスペシャルムービーをお届け? Don't miss the special movie of the fashion story ”PRINCESS GIGI” from our December issue. Modeled by @gigihadid Movie by @luigiandiango Styled by @anna_dello_russo Hair Styled by @luigimurenu Makeup by @georgisandev Manicure by #elenastepaniouk Casting by @pg_dmcasting #gigihadid #voguejapan #decemberissue A video posted by VOGUE JAPAN (@voguejapan) on Oct 20, 2016 at 6:39pm PDT © Versus for Skinny VS Curvy, 2016. | Permalink | 4 comments | Add to Post tags: fall outfits, magazine, model, pouty lips, supermodel, vogue The post Gigi Hadid’s Pouty Lips Do Vogue Japan appeared first on Skinny VS Curvy.

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Super Skinny Celebrity Files: Tara Reid

Super Skinny Celebrity Files: 40 year-old actress Tara Reid, who looked quite frail as she attended the Maxim magazine Halloween Party in Los Angeles, where she wore a racy Greek-inspired costume. A few months back, the thin actress was tired of being criticized for her trademark super skinny celebrity status, so she clarified a few things: I feel great about my body. People always tell me to eat a burger — I love burgers! If I were to gain 10 pounds, I’d be asked why I got fat. I’m thin — and I’m good with that. People need to stop with the body shaming! I won’t let what anyone says stop me from enjoying my life. I truly feel I need to constantly prove myself in this business. I’ve done 46 movies, and it’s still tough to get roles when you’re misunderstood and judged. More of Tara on the second page! (…)Read the rest of Super Skinny Celebrity Files: Tara Reid (0 words) © Versus for Skinny VS Curvy, 2016. | Permalink | 19 comments | Add to Post tags: Halloween costume, party outfit, super skinny celebrity, thin The post Super Skinny Celebrity Files: Tara Reid appeared first on Skinny VS Curvy.

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Demi Lovato: “I don’t see anybody in any sort of squad that has a normal body”

Demi Lovato recently opened up to Glamour Magazine about body image, the lack of normal bodies in Taylor Swift’s squad and feminism: On the negative response to her “Body Say” images: You don’t say anything, because you can never win. Whether they’re saying that you’re ugly, or that you’re a whore, or that you’re a bad role model, or something else, you’re never gonna win. On exploring sexuality in her image and music: We live in an imbalanced society when it comes to encouraging male sexuality and discouraging female sexuality. In 20 years I hope we’ll look back like, Wow, that’s how it used to be. Question: You’ve said before, in regard to Taylor Swift, “Don’t brand yourself a feminist if you don’t do the work.” How do you see yourself doing the work? Just speaking out. I’m not afraid to talk about the fact that women get paid less than men in the United States and how unfair that is. Talking about it at all is doing the work. And I think every woman does her part in some way. But I think in certain situations, certain people could be doing more if they’re going to claim that as part of their brand. To be honest, and this will probably get me in trouble, I don’t see anybody in any sort of squad that has a normal body. It’s kind of this false image of what people should look like. And what they should be like, and it’s not real. Question: Well, there are many kinds of “normal” bodies. I think what you’re getting at is there’s just one type of body in that squad. It’s not realistic. And I think that having a song and a video about tearing Katy Perry down, that’s not women’s empowerment. We all do things that aren’t, but I have to ask myself, Am I content with calling myself a feminist? Yes, because I speak out. Question: Do things besides a busy schedule still trigger you? Yeah, of course. Seeing cocaine in movies. I’ve never watched The Wolf of Wall Street. I can’t. I don’t like to go out to clubs, because I find myself seeing remnants of drugs in the bathroom. I did the Victoria’s Secret Swim Special, and being surrounded by supermodels’ bodies was triggering to me. I remember asking, “How do you maintain your figure?” Some said, “I really have to work at it.” Others said, “It’s genetics.” It was interesting to hear that it wasn’t through unhealthy [behaviors]. It was a great learning experience. I still felt sexy, having a different body than these women. I had Wilmer there, who loved my curves—that helped. Taylor Swift’s squad that lacks normal bodies, according to Demi: (…)Read the rest of Demi Lovato: “I don’t see anybody in any sort of squad that has a normal body” (0 words) © Versus for Skinny VS Curvy, 2016. | Permalink | 24 comments | Add to Post tags:

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Charlize Theron’s Weight Transformation

According to various reports, Charlize Theron has been on a weight gain diet in order to look the part (literally) for her new movie Tully – spotted here, Charlize, looking noticeably different on set this week. According to the Daily Mail, the actress gained 35 pounds for this role. And this is not the first time the actress made such efforts in order to play a character – back in 2003, the actress suffered a major makeunder for her role in Monster. Charlize last year: See more! (…)Read the rest of Charlize Theron’s Weight Transformation (1 words) © Versus for Skinny VS Curvy, 2016. | Permalink | No comment | Add to Post tags:

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Amy Schumer” “If you weigh over 140 pounds, if you’re on the screen, it will hurt people’s eyes”

The full story from Huffington Post: In an upcoming episode of the U.K.’s “Jonathan Ross Show,” which airs Saturday on ITV, [Amy Schumer] opens up about being told to lose weight for her movie, “Trainwreck.” “The only change was that it was explained to me before I did that movie [”Trainwreck”] that if you weigh over 140 pounds as a woman in Hollywood, if you’re on the screen it will hurt people’s eyes,” the 35-year-old said. “I didn’t know that, so I lost some weight to do that, but never again.” The admission is a little surprising coming from Schumer, who famously accepted Glamour magazine’s Trailblazer of the Year award in 2015, telling the crowd, ““I’m, like, 160 pounds right now, and I can catch a dick whenever I want, and that’s the truth.” However, the fact that she had to lose weight is unfortunately just par for the course in Hollywood and not at all shocking. Pictured below – Amy in 2014: More pics of Amy next! (…)Read the rest of Amy Schumer” “If you weigh over 140 pounds, if you’re on the screen, it will hurt people’s eyes” (1 words) © Versus for Skinny VS Curvy, 2016. | Permalink | 16 comments | Add to Post tags:

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Tara Reid: “I feel great about my body. People always tell me to eat a burger”

On loving her body despite being called ‘too skinny’: I feel great about my body. People always tell me to eat a burger — I love burgers! If I were to gain 10 pounds, I’d be asked why I got fat. I’m thin — and I’m good with that,” Tara admits to In Touch. People need to stop with the body shaming! I won’t let what anyone says stop me from enjoying my life. I truly feel I need to constantly prove myself in this business. I’ve done 46 movies, and it’s still tough to get roles when you’re misunderstood and judged. … says the 40 year-old actress. More of Tara’s recent style next! (…)Read the rest of Tara Reid: “I feel great about my body. People always tell me to eat a burger” (1 words) © Versus for Skinny VS Curvy, 2016. | Permalink | 14 comments | Add to Post tags: