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Kourtney Kardashian: “I like to live a bit dangerously. I had a Krispy Kreme doughnut last night”

On her healthy living versus dangerous habits: Just being comfortable in your skin is a blessing. I feel that people think it’s OK to skinny-shame, but it’s just as bad as calling people fat. I love going to the gym because it makes me feel great. I work out a lot with Khloé just running or hiking. Eating well is part of the same lifestyle, but now and then I like to live a bit dangerously. I had a Krispy Kreme doughnut last night and it was delicious. … says Kourtney. © Versus for Skinny VS Curvy, 2016. | Permalink | 10 comments | Add to Post tags: The post Kourtney Kardashian: “I like to live a bit dangerously. I had a Krispy Kreme doughnut last night” appeared first on Skinny VS Curvy.

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Gigi Hadid Was ‘Not Thin Enough, Not Tall Enough’ for Tommy Hilfiger

In the past year and a half, Gigi Hadid has lost a significant amount of weight, fact which we’ve documented in our previous posts. Turns out that around one and a half year ago, Gigi was considered too short (she is 5’10” / 179 cm) and too fat to model anything else than an oversized poncho for Tommy Hilfiger. Here are more details from People: Gigi Hadid seems to have it all: more magazine covers than any other model this year, every major catwalk under her belt, a standing invitation to walk the Victoria’s Secret runway and pose for the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue, a killer squad of fellow models, a cute boyfriend who lets her wear his shoes … we could go on. She’s even moved into the role of muse for Tommy Hilfilger, collaborating with him on a clothing line and serving as the face of his fragrance. But things weren’t always so golden for the model and the designer. For Hadid’s first turn down the runway for Hilfiger in February 2015, Hilfiger recalls a casting dilemma. “Our casting director said, ‘She doesn’t really fit because you know she’s not quite as tall as the other girls, she’s not quite as thin. So they put a red, white and blue poncho on her, it covered a lot of her body unfortunately, but it received millions of hits,” he told Yahoo Style’s Joe Zee. “So I said, you know, why don’t we ask her to design a line with us. So I said, Gigi come design this with me, we’ll do a Gigi x Tommy couture line.” Although Gigi was considered too fat to model regular clothes, the brand chose her to rock bikinis: It’s worth noting that, though Hadid was deemed “not quite thin” enough for any non-poncho apparel in February, by September, Hilfiger had her in a crochet bikini leading a cabal of models down a beach-inspired runway. And a few months after that, their clothing collaboration was announced. And though it may serve as small comfort for being publicly poncho-shamed by your design partner, Hilfiger did deliver her a compliment, saying she’s an “All-American girl next door with an exotic twist to her look.” Gigi these days: See more recent pictures of Gigi next! (…)Read the rest of Gigi Hadid Was ‘Not Thin Enough, Not Tall Enough’ for Tommy Hilfiger (1 words) © Versus for Skinny VS Curvy, 2016. | Permalink | No comment | Add to Post tags: catwalk, model, poncho, too fat to model, too short, weight loss The post Gigi Hadid Was ‘Not Thin Enough, Not Tall Enough’ for Tommy Hilfiger appeared first on Skinny VS Curvy.

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Alicia Keys Explains Why She Is Against Makeup

On why she decided to take an against makeup stance: “I think that it’s definitely tricky being a woman. You go to work, and it’s like, if you don’t put on makeup that day people say, ‘Oh, you look so tired!’” On how being against makeup is not controversial for celebrities alone, but for everyone: “It’s not only the entertainment industry, it’s not only the film industry, it’s not only the fashion industry, it’s not only every job that anyone works at or every magazine that everyone has read, it’s a collective consciousness.” On the fact that all women are beautiful: “There’s nothing you could do to take away this unbelievably innate beauty that lives inside of you as a woman because we are the most spectacular creatures that were ever created. The most incredible thing is that all women are beautiful.” See more of Alicia next! (…)Read the rest of Alicia Keys Explains Why She Is Against Makeup (0 words) © Versus for Skinny VS Curvy, 2016. | Permalink | One comment | Add to Post tags: against makeup, beauty image, magazine, no makeup The post Alicia Keys Explains Why She Is Against Makeup appeared first on Skinny VS Curvy.

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Ariel Winter in the World’s Tiniest Denim Shorts

Ariel Winter has a passion for the shortest of shorts and butt selfies– and this week, the Modern Family star did a photo-shoot by the beach wearing the world’s tiniest pair. The actress has been receiving a lot of hate on social media lately, to which she replied: ‘It’s definitely hard being self-conscious and having the world be able to tell you how they feel about you. Before Twitter and Instagram, if you felt a certain way about a person you didn’t know, you couldn’t tell them. My sister helped me understand that people will say those things regardless of how you look. I tell myself every day, “I look fabulous.”‘ On the fact that she posts a lots of ‘belfies’ – aka butt selfies online: Everybody is so hyped up on the fact that I post photos where my butt’s out. It’s a butt. Everyone has a butt. I don’t think it’s crazy. I don’t really think I’m telling myself, ‘You should post this, you shouldn’t post that,’ I feel like I’m just having fun. I like my fans to see what I’m doing. It’s like, Let me live! I’m enjoying my life, you’re enjoying your life. You should be posting your butt  selfies if you like it, too! See more from Ariel’s photo-shoot next! (…)Read the rest of Ariel Winter in the World’s Tiniest Denim Shorts (0 words) © Versus for Skinny VS Curvy, 2016. | Permalink | 34 comments | Add to Post tags: beach, butt selfies, photo-shoot, swisuit The post Ariel Winter in the World’s Tiniest Denim Shorts appeared first on Skinny VS Curvy.

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Introducing NEW SVC Men: First Plus-Size Male Model Zach Miko

That’s right: from now on (as a result of many requests over the years), Skinny VS Curvy will feature, besides women and their wide range of body shapes and body image issues, MEN! And here we are, launching our new category with the first plus-size male model – Zach Miko, who was signed a few months back with ING Models, modeled for Target and became the image of a ‘brawn’ model or the equivalent of ‘curve’ for women. Zach’s stats: Age: 26 Height: 6ft 6in / 198cm Waist: 40in / 102cm On how society views men who have body image issues as un-masculine: I always had my own body-image struggle. With men, there is still a lot of bravado and false masculinity to get through. You’re not supposed to care about how you look. If you have issues, you aren’t supposed to talk about it. It’s considered weak or un-masculine. Which is stupid. It’s about having feelings that make you human. I think, even now with the progression, you still have that 1950s male mentality of men being strong and emotionless. If it makes men realise that it’s OK to care about how you look, or even feel bad about it and want to change … I have had [body] issues all my life and that can make you insecure. You project those feelings on to others and that can damage relationships. It creates this vicious cycle. It could all be avoided if you opened up and said I do or don’t feel good about myself. On the cause of his insecurities and trying to make people feel good about themselves: I was between diets and trying to change the way I look for so long. As an actor, I was told by every casting director that I was too big. But I think I was trying to make other people more comfortable. I have always been a big guy, I was picked on as a kid, and that’s where it came from. We live in a society where “big” and “fat” have become insults, and “skinny”, “little” and “petite” have become compliments. We have come to correlate a negative meaning with “big” and “fat”. On the fact that plus0sized people can be healthy: I am a big advocate of health. I just don’t think you have to be a twig to [be healthy]. Other people don’t have a right to project an idea of unhealthy on to you if you have this extra weight. I think labeling people as unhealthy is unfair. You don’t know what their health is. People think I’m a slob and that I don’t take care of myself. But I do. For starters, I cycle every day. But you do start to internalize that [feeling]. … says Zach. More pictures of the first plus-size male model next! (…)Read the rest of Introducing NEW SVC Men: First Plus-Size Male Model Zach Miko (1 words) © Versus for Skinny VS Curvy, 2016. | Permalink | 27 comments | Add to Post tags: body image, brawl, male model, plus-size male model The post Introducing NEW SVC Men: First Plus-Size Male Model Zach Miko appeared first on Skinny VS Curvy.

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Model Daisy Lowe: “I have been unable to get out of bed because I have felt so insecure”

On her insecurities and her fluctuating weight: ‘Every day we’re shown images about the perfect body and what it should be – but we just have the ones that we live in. I think feeling insecure can be completely crippling. I have had times in my life when I have been unable to get out of bed because I have felt so insecure. But I think the most important lesson I’ve learned is that you have only one body, so you might as well enjoy it. My weight yo-yos so much. It always has. I am now a bit ­trimmer because I’ve been dancing four hours a day.’ … says 27 year-old Daisy, who is said to weigh 140 lbs at 5’9”. See more of her next! (…)Read the rest of Model Daisy Lowe: “I have been unable to get out of bed because I have felt so insecure” (2 words) © Versus for Skinny VS Curvy, 2016. | Permalink | 12 comments | Add to Post tags: Daisy Lowe’s weight, lbs, pounds, weight fluctuations, yo-yo

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Demi Lovato: “I don’t see anybody in any sort of squad that has a normal body”

Demi Lovato recently opened up to Glamour Magazine about body image, the lack of normal bodies in Taylor Swift’s squad and feminism: On the negative response to her “Body Say” images: You don’t say anything, because you can never win. Whether they’re saying that you’re ugly, or that you’re a whore, or that you’re a bad role model, or something else, you’re never gonna win. On exploring sexuality in her image and music: We live in an imbalanced society when it comes to encouraging male sexuality and discouraging female sexuality. In 20 years I hope we’ll look back like, Wow, that’s how it used to be. Question: You’ve said before, in regard to Taylor Swift, “Don’t brand yourself a feminist if you don’t do the work.” How do you see yourself doing the work? Just speaking out. I’m not afraid to talk about the fact that women get paid less than men in the United States and how unfair that is. Talking about it at all is doing the work. And I think every woman does her part in some way. But I think in certain situations, certain people could be doing more if they’re going to claim that as part of their brand. To be honest, and this will probably get me in trouble, I don’t see anybody in any sort of squad that has a normal body. It’s kind of this false image of what people should look like. And what they should be like, and it’s not real. Question: Well, there are many kinds of “normal” bodies. I think what you’re getting at is there’s just one type of body in that squad. It’s not realistic. And I think that having a song and a video about tearing Katy Perry down, that’s not women’s empowerment. We all do things that aren’t, but I have to ask myself, Am I content with calling myself a feminist? Yes, because I speak out. Question: Do things besides a busy schedule still trigger you? Yeah, of course. Seeing cocaine in movies. I’ve never watched The Wolf of Wall Street. I can’t. I don’t like to go out to clubs, because I find myself seeing remnants of drugs in the bathroom. I did the Victoria’s Secret Swim Special, and being surrounded by supermodels’ bodies was triggering to me. I remember asking, “How do you maintain your figure?” Some said, “I really have to work at it.” Others said, “It’s genetics.” It was interesting to hear that it wasn’t through unhealthy [behaviors]. It was a great learning experience. I still felt sexy, having a different body than these women. I had Wilmer there, who loved my curves—that helped. Taylor Swift’s squad that lacks normal bodies, according to Demi: (…)Read the rest of Demi Lovato: “I don’t see anybody in any sort of squad that has a normal body” (0 words) © Versus for Skinny VS Curvy, 2016. | Permalink | 24 comments | Add to Post tags: