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Jillian Michaels: “When you care more you train harder and eat better”

On why she’s so committed to working out and being healthy: I’m a 42-year-old. I still like skinny jeans. I still prefer a two-piece instead of a one-piece, but now I have two young kids. So for me, I want to be skiing down the mountain alongside my kids instead of waiting at the bottom for them. I want to see their children graduate from college. I want to meet my grandchildren’s children. These are my whys. On aging and why she’s in better shape now than she was in her 20s: I care more, and when you care more you train harder and eat better. People believe that aging is this slow descent into decrepitude. That’s not true. When people say, “Oh, I’m 40 now, and this is happening to me and that’s happening to me,” it’s the cumulative effect of years of neglect, which—by the way—can still be turned around. On why she thinks there’s too much pressure on women to get back to their pre-pregnancy bodies: I was just talking to someone who was breast-feeding and already on a diet. I was like, “Dude, you’ve got to chill. If you start dropping more than two pounds a week, you’re going to compromise your milk supply.” The reality is that you can bounce back better than ever, but time frames vary for everyone. Everybody and every pregnancy is different. If it takes you a year, who cares? (…)Read the rest of Jillian Michaels: “When you care more you train harder and eat better” (0 words) © Versus for Skinny VS Curvy, 2016. | Permalink | 9 comments | Add to Post tags: fitness, magazine, workout The post Jillian Michaels: “When you care more you train harder and eat better” appeared first on Skinny VS Curvy.

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Drew Barrymore’s 20 Pound Weight Loss

Mom-of-two Drew Barrymore recently opened up in an interview about her 20 pound weight loss. The bubbly 41 year-old actress, who is 5’4”/ 163 cm says that she currently weighs 124 lbs: On how she achieved the weight 20 pound weight loss: I’ve been very disciplined and all I did was cry and dream about pizza. I still am dreaming and crying about pizza. On her weight: I was 144 and now I’m 124. I did it on the filming of a Netflix show [Santa Clarita Diet]. I feel really great. I followed Kimberly Snyder’s methods, but I added some protein like fish and chicken since she’s all vegetarian or vegan. On her future plans: The holidays are coming up, so I’m going to enjoy some of that stuffing! … says Drew. See more recent pics of her next! (…)Read the rest of Drew Barrymore’s 20 Pound Weight Loss (0 words) © Versus for Skinny VS Curvy, 2016. | Permalink | 4 comments | Add to Post tags: 20 pound weight loss, black dress, lbs, pounds, slimmer, weight, weight loss The post Drew Barrymore’s 20 Pound Weight Loss appeared first on Skinny VS Curvy.

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Gisele Bundchen’s Approach to Halloween Candy

Supermodel queen Gisele Bundchen is known for opting for a very restrictive diet, one that is mostly raw and void of sugar. The mom of two implements almost the same diet when it comes to her kids, which is why she is very much against Halloween candy. More details on this story from People Magazine: Forget eating her kids’ Halloween candy, Gisele Bündchen not only didn’t steal any of her children’s haul, but she gave it all away! The supermodel mom made an appearance at the grand opening of the Under Armour Boston Brand House in the Prudential Center on Wednesday evening, and explained that son Benjamin and daughter Vivian (who dressed as Mario and a pony, respectively) were so uninterested in their Halloween haul, they let their mom give it away. “We don’t really have that a kind of sugar in our house,” Bündchen told PEOPLE. “I let them try one (piece), but they really only had one bite and then they didn’t want it anymore. So I told them if they didn’t like it I was going to give it away to other kids and they actually let me give their candy away,” she added of her and Tom Brady‘s kids. But don’t feel bad for Bündchen’s kids; they still get to eat dessert every day. “It’s a little different kind of sweets, so they’re not used to it,” said Bündchen. “I said to them, ‘You know, there are so many kids that don’t get candy and you guys got so many, some kids don’t even get one! And they’re like, ‘Oh mom, okay you can give it to them if they don’t get any.’” What do you think of Gisele’s very restrictive diet approach? Moderation is better or perfectly reasonable? © Versus for Skinny VS Curvy, 2016. | Permalink | 3 comments | Add to Post tags: diet, restrictive diet, sugar, supermodel The post Gisele Bundchen’s Approach to Halloween Candy appeared first on Skinny VS Curvy.

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Male Mondays: David Gandy

Male Mondays – thanks to the user who suggested the name! At high request, male supermodel David Gandy! Age: 36 Nationality: British Height: 192 cm / 6’3” David on his male supermodel diet: “The right amount of water, the right foods – not crappy, fatty processed foods. It’s everything in moderation, you can eat too much fish or too much meat. I actually had mercury poisoning from tuna because it topped off the levels in my body and made me quite ill. People say to me, ‘my God, you must not eat something’, and then, ‘good God, you’re eating cake’. I probably eat more than most people think I might, but I’m actually a foodie and I eat a lot. I just stay away from processed foods – white pastas, white carbohydrates, high sugar content, saturated fat – but I can still eat so much because of that. People [unnecessarily] go to the extremities of something.” Please leave your requests for who you would like to see in our Male Mondays posts here, in the comment section! More of our male supermodel David next! (…)Read the rest of Male Mondays: David Gandy (0 words) © Versus for Skinny VS Curvy, 2016. | Permalink | No comment | Add to Post tags: catwalk, David Gandy, diet, fit, guys, male supermodel The post Male Mondays: David Gandy appeared first on Skinny VS Curvy.

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Introducing NEW SVC Men: First Plus-Size Male Model Zach Miko

That’s right: from now on (as a result of many requests over the years), Skinny VS Curvy will feature, besides women and their wide range of body shapes and body image issues, MEN! And here we are, launching our new category with the first plus-size male model – Zach Miko, who was signed a few months back with ING Models, modeled for Target and became the image of a ‘brawn’ model or the equivalent of ‘curve’ for women. Zach’s stats: Age: 26 Height: 6ft 6in / 198cm Waist: 40in / 102cm On how society views men who have body image issues as un-masculine: I always had my own body-image struggle. With men, there is still a lot of bravado and false masculinity to get through. You’re not supposed to care about how you look. If you have issues, you aren’t supposed to talk about it. It’s considered weak or un-masculine. Which is stupid. It’s about having feelings that make you human. I think, even now with the progression, you still have that 1950s male mentality of men being strong and emotionless. If it makes men realise that it’s OK to care about how you look, or even feel bad about it and want to change … I have had [body] issues all my life and that can make you insecure. You project those feelings on to others and that can damage relationships. It creates this vicious cycle. It could all be avoided if you opened up and said I do or don’t feel good about myself. On the cause of his insecurities and trying to make people feel good about themselves: I was between diets and trying to change the way I look for so long. As an actor, I was told by every casting director that I was too big. But I think I was trying to make other people more comfortable. I have always been a big guy, I was picked on as a kid, and that’s where it came from. We live in a society where “big” and “fat” have become insults, and “skinny”, “little” and “petite” have become compliments. We have come to correlate a negative meaning with “big” and “fat”. On the fact that plus0sized people can be healthy: I am a big advocate of health. I just don’t think you have to be a twig to [be healthy]. Other people don’t have a right to project an idea of unhealthy on to you if you have this extra weight. I think labeling people as unhealthy is unfair. You don’t know what their health is. People think I’m a slob and that I don’t take care of myself. But I do. For starters, I cycle every day. But you do start to internalize that [feeling]. … says Zach. More pictures of the first plus-size male model next! (…)Read the rest of Introducing NEW SVC Men: First Plus-Size Male Model Zach Miko (1 words) © Versus for Skinny VS Curvy, 2016. | Permalink | 27 comments | Add to Post tags: body image, brawl, male model, plus-size male model The post Introducing NEW SVC Men: First Plus-Size Male Model Zach Miko appeared first on Skinny VS Curvy.

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Lea Michele: “I get a lot of compliments on my legs, which is funny for a short girl”

On why the scale doesn’t determine her self-worth: “As I get older, my body is always changing. Right now I have so much energy, my skin looks good, and my butt is higher than it’s ever been. I’ve been skinnier and I’ve been a little bit bigger, and I’m never hard on myself one way or the other. The fact that I’m active, eating well, and taking care of myself is all that matters—not a number.” On why she loves her shape: “I love my shape because it’s unique to me. I’m 5’2”, and I get a lot of compliments on my legs, which is funny for a short girl. But they’re one of my favorite things about my body.” On learning to listen to her body: “If I have one of those days when I don’t want to work out, I ask myself why. I’ve learned how to listen to my body and know what I need in that moment. And I’m grateful for that. It took me a very long time to get to this place. Now I can tell when my body is saying to take a break from working out, or when it’s saying, No, you’re being a little lazy, so that I can push myself to get going.” On what she eats: “I was vegan for a while, I was vegetarian for 10 years, and now I’ve incorporated meat back into my diet. I eat as healthy as possible because I know food fuels me. I usually start my day with avocado toast or a green smoothie. I love a big salad for lunch; I’m always concocting recipes like kale Caesar or spinach artichoke salad. For dinner I’m flexible. If I’m going out and I want a bowl of pasta, I’ll eat it. I’m not hard on myself.” … says Lea in Shape. See more next! (…)Read the rest of Lea Michele: “I get a lot of compliments on my legs, which is funny for a short girl” (0 words) © Versus for Skinny VS Curvy, 2016. | Permalink | 16 comments | Add to Post tags:

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Victoria Beckham: “I eat lots of good fats, in avocados, nuts, seeds, salmon”

On how her diet fixed her skin problems: “I don’t think you realize how important [a healthy lifestyle is] until you get older. You realize how vital it is to wear sunscreen; to drink lots of water; to cleanse, tone, moisturize; take vitamins; make sure you’re eating the right food. I eat lots of good fats, in avocados, nuts, seeds, salmon… I see a dermatologist in LA, called Dr Harold Lancer, who is incredible – he sorted my skin out. I used to have really problematic skin and he said to me, “You have to eat salmon every single day.” ‘I said, “Really, every day?” And he said, “Yes; breakfast, lunch or dinner, you have to eat it every single day.” … says Victoria in Net-a-Porter. (…)Read the rest of Victoria Beckham: “I eat lots of good fats, in avocados, nuts, seeds, salmon” (0 words) © Versus for Skinny VS Curvy, 2016. | Permalink | 20 comments | Add to Post tags: