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Gigi Hadid’s Pouty Lips Do Vogue Japan

Gigi Hadid continues to be everywhere these days, as per usual in the past2 years – and where exactly is she this week? On the cover of Vogue Japan, together with her very pouty lips. ‘One of my favorite cover stories!’ … said Gigi of this feature while sharing tons of snaps from it on Instagram. The half Dutch, half Palestinian-American stunner sports cool urban fall-ready outfits that occasionally forgo the pants… or the top, or the bra. And in order to look like a model, Gigi has a simple philosophy: You find how you feel your best. Whether you feel better when you’re eating gluten-free or whatever it is. I feel better when I eat a burger every other night. Eat clean, and work out to stay fit – and have a burger to stay sane. Throwback to Gigi wearing hot pink pants HERE! Browse through our gallery featuring Gigi and her very pouty lips and share your thoughts! イットモデルのジジ・ハディッドがモデルを務めた12月号のファッションストーリー「目が離せない、その存在感」。官能的なブラックレースとミリタリーをキーに、強くしなやかなフェミ二ニティを表現。そのスペシャルムービーをお届け? Don't miss the special movie of the fashion story ”PRINCESS GIGI” from our December issue. Modeled by @gigihadid Movie by @luigiandiango Styled by @anna_dello_russo Hair Styled by @luigimurenu Makeup by @georgisandev Manicure by #elenastepaniouk Casting by @pg_dmcasting #gigihadid #voguejapan #decemberissue A video posted by VOGUE JAPAN (@voguejapan) on Oct 20, 2016 at 6:39pm PDT © Versus for Skinny VS Curvy, 2016. | Permalink | 4 comments | Add to Post tags: fall outfits, magazine, model, pouty lips, supermodel, vogue The post Gigi Hadid’s Pouty Lips Do Vogue Japan appeared first on Skinny VS Curvy.

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Ashley Graham Continues Her Bikini Treats

Ashley Graham is currently celebrating her 29th birthday in Cancun, Mexico with her firends and she is doing so while wearing sexy black bikinis that showcase her famous figure on the beach and by the pool. Lots of photos next! (…)Read the rest of Ashley Graham Continues Her Bikini Treats (1 words) © Versus for Skinny VS Curvy, 2016. | Permalink | 16 comments | Add to Post tags:

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Kendall Jenner Does Allure

On what she posts on social media: I want my Instagram to look good. You go through people’s pages and it’s all, like, selfies or their butts. I love a good belfie—don’t get me wrong. I post those every once in a while. On being BFFs with Gigi Hadid, Cara Delevingne, & Hailey Baldwin: This is going to sound really, really lame, but we all call ourselves the Super Natural Friend Group because we all have such cool individual lives and we’ve been dreaming about them since we were so young. I’m a Scorpio, so I stick to people. If I love you, I love you. If I don’t like you, you’re screwed. On her OCD and love for baking: She doesn’t really drink alcohol (unless she’s “in Europe and it’s legal”). She likes to bake cupcakes, cookies, and “insane maple scones from scratch.” She prizes neatness. “Oh, I’m ridiculously OCD. Order gives me a complete feeling, like everything is good. … says Kendall in Allure.   Incoming search terms:Kendall Jenner Instagram © Versus for Skinny VS Curvy, 2016. | Permalink | 15 comments | Add to Post tags:

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Christopher Walken’s cats are his kids: ‘I think a lot of people are like that’

We rarely cover Christopher Walken, although the man is a national treasure. He’s just not controversial at all – he seems like a nice guy, everyone loves him, he loves to dance, and as we can see from this Parade cover, he loves cats. He’s promoting a family film called Nine Lives, where he plays a magical pet shop owner. Kevin Spacey and Jennifer Garner are in the movie too. Weird. Anyway, this whole interview is charming, mostly because he talks about CATS! You can read the full Parade piece here, and here are some highlights: On being a teenage lion tamer: [Sheba, his lioness in a one-ring circus on upstate New York] “was very sweet. She’d walk around and bump up against you leg, just like a nice old cat. I’d wave my whip and she would sit up on her back legs and roll over and do stuff. When we weren’t performing, I used to hang out with her and pet her.” But now he’s against zoos & circuses: “As I get older, I’m very much against zoos and, frankly, animals in captivity. Especially big, wild animals. I wish there wasn’t any such thing as ‘animal acts.’ I wish there wasn’t any such thing as zoos.” His kitty, The Cat: Walken adopted his own feral black-and-white “tuxedo cat” after she showed up on his porch one day—with her babies. “Now I have this basically wild cat that likes to be outside, but she’s friendly. When it gets cold, she comes in.” He calls her simply “the Cat.” And he and Georgianne, who have no children, have always considered their cats as their kids. “I think a lot of people are like that with their pets.” He’s the son of a German immigrant & a Scottish immigrant: “I had a wonderful childhood. Everything: food, house. But my parents didn’t. My parents really did have a hard time where they came from, and they came here and they made this great life. That’s what America is, always and still. I believe people should be able to go and make their lives as they wish. America certainly has always been that for a lot of people. As a kid, I grew up with all sorts of people, different kinds of people. To me, that’s the way it ought to be. Of course, we live in a time of dangerous things. There’s got to be a way around that without making it difficult for everybody.” On his longtime love of cats: “My cats are extremely well taken care of. Frankly, if there’s such a thing as reincarnation, it would be wonderful to come back as my cat. I’m not sure you could do better than that.” [From Parade] But what happened to The Cat’s kittens? Did the Walkens give the kittens away? Or did he bring the kittens inside and now The Cat is the only one who prefers being outside? So many questions. I actually love that he calls his cat The Cat. I did that with my dog too – my (late) puppy had a real name, but I mostly just called him “Puppy” or “Black Dog.” I’m thinking about getting another animal – from a shelter – and I do think I’ll get a cat this time. Photos courtesy of Parade.

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Pres. Obama makes a full-throated endorsement for Hillary Clinton at the DNC

Embed from Getty Images President Barack Obama is probably the most popular politician in America right now. I don’t even think the residual love for Bill Clinton comes close. Obama’s last year in office has been bittersweet, of course, and we would be in such a different place if only Obama was running for a third term. That’s what I was thinking about last night… I wish this race was Obama vs. Trump. Because Obama would slay. On Day 3 of the DNC, the party brought out their heavy-hitters. It was a really great three-hour block of television, actually. First Biden, then Bloomberg, then Tim Kaine, then Obama. I’m not going to say that Obama gave his best speech ever, but this speech was easily in the Top Five. It was partly a farewell speech (SOB), partly a full-throated endorsement of Hillary Clinton and partly a takedown of Donald Trump. Obama balanced those three subjects brilliantly and, again, kudos to the speechwriters last night. I was genuinely surprised when Hillary Clinton came out at the end too. The biggest moment was when Obama said Hillary Clinton was the most qualified person to ever run for president: “You know, nothing truly prepares you for the demands of the oval office. You can read about it, you can study it, but until you’ve sat at that desk, you don’t know what it’s like to manage a global crisis or send young people to war. But Hillary’s been in the room. She’s been part of those decisions. She knows what’s at stake in the decisions our government makes, what’s at stake for the working family for the senior citizen or the small business owner, for the soldier, for the veteran. And even in the midst of crisis, she listens to people and she keeps her cool and she treats everybody with respect. And no matter how daunting the odds, no matter how much people try to knock her down, she never, ever quits. That is the Hillary I know. That’s the Hillary I’ve come to admire, and that’s why I can say with confidence there has never been a man or a woman, not me, not Bill Clinton, nobody, more qualified than Hillary Clinton to serve as president of the United States… I hope you don’t mind, Bill, but I was just telling the truth, man.” [Via E! News] Because the Republican National Convention last week was so ceaselessly negative and pessimistic, the Democrats were able to take over the optimism franchise. Obama’s speech last night is being called Reagan-esque, because not only did he name-check Reagan, but he honestly borrowed the shiny-eyed Reagan-esque optimism of American pride. Now, all that being said… I still think Michelle Obama’s speech on Day 1 was probably the best speech of the convention! Take about five paragraphs out of that Obama speech and it could have been a Reagan speech. Trust me. I know. — John Podhoretz (@jpodhoretz) July 28, 2016 Embed from Getty Images Photos courtesy of Getty.

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Blake Lively in Emanuel Ungaro in NY: the best look of her ‘Cafe Society’ tour?

Even though I think some of these straps are unnecessary, this dress might be my favorite from Blake Lively’s promotional fashion show. Blake saved the best for last! Maybe. Blake was spotted out in NYC on Friday wearing this Emanuel Ungaro dress. So much prettier than her premiere minidress, right? This should have been the premiere dress. And if Blake has been trying to start a trend during this pregnancy, it’s with under-boob cutouts on maternity clothes. I don’t really get why that’s a thing, but here we are. Meanwhile, Blake appeared on the Tonight Show on Friday to promote Café Society. In this clip, Blake tells Jimmy Fallon that baby James calls Jimmy “dada,” and she has the video proof. In this clip, Blake tells other stories about baby James. James points out when anyone – man or woman – has a belly and says “baby!” James also has a little lisp so for “stand” she says “shtand” and for “sit” she says “sh-t.” Blake also made a joke: “It should be illegal to be pregnant in New York in July. I swear, I’m going to make my water break just so I can cool down.” And there you go. Incidentally, I read Vogue’s review of Café Society, and I came away pretty disturbed about the film and Woody Allen in general. Vogue says that Blake and Kristen Stewart are set up as woman/girl archetypes, as in Blake is playing the womanly bombshell that Jesse Eisenberg has to “settle” for despite the fact that he’s in love with the girlish, Lolita-esque character played by Kristen Stewart. Jesus, that’s so gross. Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.

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Rami Malek: It’s harder to talk to new people in LA than it is in New York

I really do listen when you guys request more coverage (or to start covering) new or interesting dudes. I’m still looking for an excuse to write more about Matthias Schoenaerts, who is my latest major crush (and who never gets pap’d). I’d also love to write about Aidan Turner or James Norton, but honestly, we rarely get photos of those guys and there are never any stories about them. Seriously! We’ve had requests for MOAR Rami Malek, and more general love for Mr. Robot over the past year. The first season of Mr. Robot was dark and weird and disturbing, and many believe the show is one of the most interesting things on TV these days, and that Rami Malek, the star, is the Next Big Thing. One of Rami’s biggest fans is Robert Downey Jr. RDJ has name-checked Rami in a few interviews, and RDJ also cited Mr. Robot as one of his favorite TV shows. So guess who interviewed Rami for Interview Magazine? RDJ, of course! Mr. Robot Season 2 just started last night, that’s why Rami is chatting. You can read the full piece here. While it’s a nice read, there’s not a lot of noteworthy stuff here. Malek seems like a nice guy, but he also seems to be living the job, or he just plays his personal life very close to the vest. Some highlights: On RDJ visiting the set of Mr. Robot: “That was amazing. You turned me into a hero when you came to set. I’m not kidding. They were like, “You know him?” “How do you know him?” I knew it was very cool to know you, but the world started paying me more attention on that day on set. Maybe I elaborated on our relationship too much and started fantasizing it was more than it actually was. No, I just told them how close we were and that we hang out, we celebrate holidays together, we watch movies together, all of which is true!” He’s an honorary New Yorker now: “I’ve always felt like I belong there. Growing up [in L.A.] and having a family here was something that I, of course, adored because I was surrounded with that unit. But from the first time I went over there, I felt connected to the way things move, the pace, the ability to strike up a conversation with anybody. I know that people often say it’s hard to talk to people in New York. I think it’s harder sometimes in L.A. But I like the neighborhood vibe, I like getting on the train and going anywhere with that type of speed, having everything at my disposal. The culture, the pace, all of it. I like feeling like I’m in that concrete jungle.” Whether he’ll be typecast because of Mr. Robot: “It’s something that I think about daily. I don’t want people to look back and think, “This character was entirely in his wheelhouse, and he’s probably going to end up playing a bunch of paranoid guys who have conspiracy theories.” Which could easily happen! I’ve had my fair share of 1970s conspiracy movies delivered over. I would love to turn around and do something polar opposite, and that might actually be happening soon. If the right people are involved and the script is just as powerful, I’d like to make some even crazier choices.” [From Interview Magazine] True story: I really did try to get into Mr. Robot during the first season but I just couldn’t. It was too dark and I kept losing track of the evil characters. Maybe I’ll give it another shot, because there are some hardcore devotees. As for Rami being typecast… one of my favorite pieces of trivia about him is that he was in both of the Night At the Museum movies. And he was in Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 2. He won’t be typecast! Rami also has a new profile in GQ – go here to read. Photos courtesy of Josh Olins/Interview Magazine.