Anna Kendrick: If you grow up middle class, you feel you always have to work


I’m saying this with zero shade-attempt, but I’ve been looking at the December magazine covers, and I’m sort of surprised by how bland they are and how really weird cover subjects were chosen for what should be one of the bigger issues of the year. Like, Allison Williams is on the cover of Allure, and it’s utterly boring. And now Anna Kendrick covers the December issue of Marie Claire and I’m just not feeling it. Now, don’t get me wrong – I like Anna. A lot. She’s super-talented and she’s got a big part in the anticipated musical Into the Woods. But there were ways to make a December cover with Anna Kendrick more appealing, and I’m not sure if Marie Claire followed through. This cover is extraordinarily underwhelming. Here are some highlights from her cover story:

On her role as Cinderella in Into the Woods: “The character is thoughtful and complicated. You see what happens after she marries the prince, when you start to face problems in seemingly perfect situations. The interesting thing about her is she overthinks things, she’s uncertain – we don’t see that in most versions. In a lot of ways, I think it’s this incredibly brave story. She’s neglected and abused her entire life she finally gets love and it’s not the kind of love she was looking for, and she stands up for herself.”

On taking a short break: “The whole going-movie-to-movie-to-movie thing, I’ve been living that way for three years. Like I need to be a person and, you know, maintain relationships.”

On insta-fame following her 2010 Oscar nomination: “It was insane. Like really groovy and exciting. [But] there was a lot of ‘Why me?’—that sort of thing.”

On the celebrity hacking scandal this fall: “I’m so infuriated on behalf of those girls. And bummed out that people feel like that’s something they can do.”

On having her looks scrutinized: “The most common thing that I get is, ‘Am I the only one who doesn’t think that Anna Kendrick is pretty?’ And you’re like, ‘No, you’re not the only one. Arguably, all of the boys in my high school agree with you.’”

On ambition: “Mostly it’s the fear that the wolves are always at your heels and you’re going to be tossed out into the street. If you grow up middle class, you just always feel like you’ve got to be working, because otherwise you won’t be able to pay the rent.”

[From Marie Claire]

Did anyone else chuckle a little bit when she said “If you grow up middle class, you just always feel like you’ve got to be working…” I guarantee that working class and working poor people feel the same way, it’s not just a middle class thing, Anna! But she wasn’t throwing shade, she was just talking about her work ethic, which in my opinion is different than talking about ambition. Or is it? Is her ambition simply to work, to work in diverse and challenging projects? I think it probably is – she doesn’t want to be a Movie Star, she wants to do interesting stuff and be a hirable actress. Not the worst play.

Oh, and here’s the trailer for Into the Woods. I don’t know, you guys. This looks like a hot mess.


Photos courtesy of Tesh/Marie Claire.


Special thanks Cele Bitch