Kim Kardashian’s Photoshopped Instagram Pictures

Kim Kardashians Photoshopped Instagram Pictures | photoshop job kim kardashian

After the Miranda Kerr photoshopped Instagram pictures controversy a while back , Kim Kardashian, who said that she slimmed down following the formula: ‘No carbs, workout and dedication!’ recently posted 2 very obviously photoshopped pictures of her figure on Instagram.

The proof: check out the way the door frame ‘bends’ in the background! This happens when the unskilled photoshopper uses the Liquify tool to make something smaller or narrower (in this case, her midsection) and distorts the surrounding objects in the process.

Kim Kardashians Photoshopped Instagram Pictures | photoshop job kim kardashian

See anothe of Kim’s recent photoshopped projects here!

Source: Skinny Curvy