cara delevingne


Cara Delevingne wasn’t always a beauty

Before anyone gets their panties in a twist, yes, I’m being somewhat facetious with the headline. All kids are cute (not!) and precious in their own way and there’s no reason to talk smack about kids. That being said, Cara Delevingne is a famous model now who makes more money in a single photoshoot than I will this year, probably, so I doubt she’s worried about me talking shit. Cara posted a picture of her miniature self on Instagram earlier this week and it’s sort of hilarious: You can see the beginnings of that strong eyebrow game going, but she sorta looks like Gizmo from Gremlins, doesn’t she? I mean that in the cutest way possible, of course, and obviously it hasn’t hurt her any. That pic above is one of my favs of her – stunning! (And yes, I’m anticipating those who will come under and talk about how ugly you think she is.) Follow us on Twitter | Facebook