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Model Daisy Lowe: “I have been unable to get out of bed because I have felt so insecure”

On her insecurities and her fluctuating weight: ‘Every day we’re shown images about the perfect body and what it should be – but we just have the ones that we live in. I think feeling insecure can be completely crippling. I have had times in my life when I have been unable to get out of bed because I have felt so insecure. But I think the most important lesson I’ve learned is that you have only one body, so you might as well enjoy it. My weight yo-yos so much. It always has. I am now a bit ­trimmer because I’ve been dancing four hours a day.’ … says 27 year-old Daisy, who is said to weigh 140 lbs at 5’9”. See more of her next! (…)Read the rest of Model Daisy Lowe: “I have been unable to get out of bed because I have felt so insecure” (2 words) © Versus for Skinny VS Curvy, 2016. | Permalink | 12 comments | Add to del.icio.us Post tags: Daisy Lowe’s weight, lbs, pounds, weight fluctuations, yo-yo