Jennifer Aniston gave yet another interview about economic policy, Brexit, international relations and the strength of Euro. Just kidding! She gave an interview about her hair. Aniston is currently promoting Mother’s Day, although you wouldn’t know it from this interview because she’s just shilling (endlessly) for Living Proof, the haircare company she partially owns. There is, I believe, a lot of junky non-science in here. Like, Aniston is about two seconds away from suggesting that women rub healing crystals on their split ends. Some highlights: Her new favorite haircare product: “The newest, coolest thing I’ve discovered from Living Proof and its scientific world is the Timeless Treatment. It’s a hair color protector. It goes on and looks like a cream conditioner, but you put it onto your hair from the roots down to the tip. You let it sit for five minutes and then shower and shampoo, which activates the product to seal and protect the color. Then you condition. The concept allows you to keep the richness of your color longer. It’s kind of amazing.” Don’t wash your hair with hot water: “Hot water is never good for your hair or skin, so I wash in warm water. It also depends on what day it is. If I’m working then I usually do wash it, because it has to have continuity, but if I’m not working I try to give my hair a break for as many days as possible. After the gym, if I have to be somewhere, I usually just throw some heat on it to dry the sweat and then do a little dry shampoo and a little Night Cap, and I’m fresh as a daisy. I can last a good three or four days without washing my hair, and all of this stuff just kind of keeps it fresh and alive and smelling great.” Her workout hairstyle: “I just wrap it up into whatever rubber band or clip I can find and it usually gets thrown on top of my head.” Her favorite hair trends: “I love a cut from afar, but I’m pretty classic and like to stick to what feels good for me. I don’t usually follow hair trends. I wish I could, but I always feel like I’m trying to be something I’m not. I love seeing these ’70s shags, though. They’re all super cute! And I always love a good highlighted head of hair.” Her least favorite hair trends: “Pink and green hair could go away. I don’t understand that to be honest, especially the green! Her hairstylist’s best advice: “His big advice is the less you mess with your hair, the better. Less is more, don’t touch it, don’t wash it every day, and just let it be. That way, it saves up your hair’s energy for when you have to go to work and be on camera and put it under the hot lights and driers and rollers. It’s really just about doing less and using good products to maintain its health.” [From Glamour] While some of this makes sense – and I’ve heard variations on it before – some of it just seems like someone who thinks way too much about her hair, to the point where she’s sort of talking nonsense. “It saves up your hair’s energy” doesn’t mean anything. If you want to argue that you shouldn’t overprocess your hair, fine. But you’re not “saving up your hair’s energy.” And I’ll never understand people who can go four days without washing their hair – especially if you’re going to the gym every other day or more! – but then again, I have really fine, oily hair. Here’s a weird profile shot of Jennifer at last week’s premiere – is she wearing a wiglet/hairpiece in the back??? After all of this hair talk, I still think she relies heavily on hairpieces and extensions. Photos courtesy of WENN.